Delaware EARNS – giving employees access to retirement savings programs.

June 19, 2024 — Delaware EARNS is a retirement savings program sponsored by the Office of the State Treasurer. In Delaware, nearly 150,000 workers lack a way to save for retirement through their workplace. EARNS was passed by the Delaware General Assembly and signed into law by the Governor in 2022 to promote individual retirement savings and bridge the state’s retirement savings gap.

EARNS provides a convenient way for all workers to save for retirement, particularly middle and low-income workers who lack access to employer-sponsored plans and small businesses that are unable to provide such a benefit. The program is designed to increase retirement access for private-sector employees. It is a public-private partnership, funded by employees and facilitated by employers.

Delaware businesses with 5 or more employees will be required to register for the program if they do not already offer a tax-qualified retirement plan to any employees. Employers can be exempt if they offer a qualified retirement plan, have fewer than five employees, or have been in business for less than six months.

Benefit to Employers:

EARNS is no cost and liability-free and is a simple way to help employees save for the future. The program is designed to help employees establish a financially secure future with easy, automatic payroll contributions to a Roth IRA. Employers can download this informational fact sheet to learn more.

Benefit to Employees:

The EARNS program lets you contribute to your own Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA) through automatic payroll deductions. Best of all, you keep the account even if you change jobs! Savers (employees) can download this informational fact sheet to learn more.

Program Timing:

May 2024 – Pilot program was launched with a handful of small businesses and nonprofits to help ensure systems were fully ready ahead of the program’s formal launch.

July 1, 2024 – Formal launch of Delaware EARNS.

October 15, 2024 – Employers must either by registered for the program or certify that they are exempt from Delaware EARNS.

Learn More:

To learn more about this valuable program or to register/sign up, visit Home – Delaware EARNS (